Color is a significant element of design, and we will work with color while compositing and doing photo manipulation. The objective of this project is to show how adjusting color thresholds and using blending modes can provide a new composited design. You will learn about Adjustment layers and Blending modes in this project.
Remember, as you look for other items online to add to your image, make sure to only use copyright-free images (see Links and Resources for websites to use).
Scenario: You are a graphic designer that has been hired to create 2 stencil portraits of 2 different people. There are videos below to show you some processes but click and follow these updated instructions for this project.
Find 2 different portrait images/head shot images of people to use for your project. Then find 2 additional images that will appear within the headshot of your finished composite. Remember as you look for images online, make sure to only use copyright-free images from the sources provided (do not use images from Google)
Save the project twice, one as a PSD and one as a PNG. Submit only the PNG version on Canvas. Use the naming convention of last name + first initial_stencil1, last name + first initial_stencil2 (example: pettyw_stencil1, pettyw_stencil2) and save all your files in your folder Photoshop > Stencil. Make sure to submit all of your stencil portrait images. Make sure to view the rubric before submitting your project.
IMPORTANT: Make sure you are saving the editable file as you work.
File Type:
File Naming Convention:
lastname+firstinitial_stencil1.psd and lastname+firstinitial_stencil2.psd
IMPORTANT: Canvas will only accept the file type below.
File Type:
File Naming Convention:
lastname+firstinitial_stencil1.png and lastname+firstinitial_stencil2.png